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The test runner generally is a Java program that can be run in a multitude of ways. Often, projects wrap this runner in "launchers" of their own, and they can choose whether or not to re-use the default console-based argument parsing that is used by the ConsoleTestExecutor that's part of the Integrity distribution. By default, the test runner takes the following arguments when run from the command line:

Parameters: [{-s,--silent}] [{-x,--xhtml} filename] [{--xslt} none|embed|execute] [{-n,--name}] [{-v,--variant}] [{-rl,--resultlocale}] [{--noremote}] [{-r,--remoteport} port] [{--remotehost} host] [{-w,--wait}] [{--nomodelcheck}] [{--validate}] [{-p,--parameter}] [{--seed} number] [{--noconsole}] [{--zombiewarn}] suite_name scripts...

-s or --silent: Disable console logging during test execution
-x or --xhtml: Enable XHTML/XML file logging (supply a target filename!)
--xslt: Specify how the XML->XHTML transformation of the result shall be handled. Valid options are 'none' (output is plain XML), 'embed' (embed stylesheet in XML output) and 'execute' (execute immediately; default setting).
-n or --name: Specify a name for the test run
-v or --variant: Specify the variant to execute (must be defined in the scripts!)
-rl or --resultlocale: Specify the locale to use for generating test results
--noremote: Disables remoting
-r or --remoteport: Set the port number to bind to for remoting (default is 43526)
--remotehost: Set the host name or IP to which the remoting server should bind (default is
-w or --wait: Wait with test execution for a 'play' signal via remoting
--nomodelcheck: Disables model checking. This can decrease startup time, especially with big script collections, but you greatly increase the risk of getting strange NullPointerExceptions during execution due to unresolved links.
--validate: Enables script validation on startup. Turning this on finds many typical errors that came past the simple parser, but it can really increase startup time.
-p or --parameter: Define a parameterized constants' value (can be used multiple times!)
--seed: Sets the seed number to use for the RNG custom operation
--noconsole: Do not capture stdout & stderr for test XML/HTML output
--zombiewarn: Do warn about threads started during test execution, but not terminated until the end (zombie threads)